Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Brilliant Star

You see me beautiful
Each and every day
Your eyes see more in me
Then I knew I could portray
Yet your own brilliant light
You do not know is there
Of the joy you bring to others
You are completely unaware
You see yourself as broken
Mourning the bruises from your past
Your heart feels hurt and empty
Your happiness doesn’t last
If only you could have my eyes
And look at yourself through me
For when I look into your soul
The depth is deeper then the sea
With a single laugh and smile
You brighten every heart
You are a brilliant example
And God’s perfect work of art
Your humility and kindness
Draw people from all around
Your amazing joy-filled laughter
Is one of the world’s most beautiful sounds
Your light shines through your eyes
Not broken by your disguise
The purity of your soul
Could fill the darkest hole
Learn to look and see yourself
The way you see everybody else
For in everything you do you shine
A light so brilliant it must be Divine, and
I am so blessed to call you a friend of mine.