It layers everything.
My heart, my mind, my life.
They are all covered and entrenched in sand.
Sand governs my life.
Sometimes it falls so quickly, that I can’t see anything around me.
My eyes stop working, I become blind to everything but the falling of sand.
I lose sight of the world around me, lose sight of myself.
It falls, and falls until my body is stuck in a cocoon of sand.
A cocoon which suffocates me, forcing all the air out of my body.
Then it slows, leaving me unable to move, or do anything.
It falls so slowly, it makes me want to cry.
So slowly that I can see everything around me in more detail than I wish.
Every nuance, every dirty, dusty, pale, faded aspect of everything around and inside of me.
Everything is cruelly lain out in front of me.
Cruelly seen, but unable to be touched, to be changed.
It cuts me off from everything and everyone.
Leaving me alone, and silent.
I yearn to break out of this prison.
This jail made of sand.
I yearn for wings to fly away from this place.
To soar to some other place, where sand does not exist.
To someplace where life is fulfilling.
Where love can be felt.
Where survival isn’t a struggle.
Yet for the moment, I’m trapped.
Ensnared in this prison.
Enveloped in blindness.
Lost in the sand.
For people who know me and think this is about Tucson, its not. Its about time.