This article is truly heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking that something like this could happen, and even more heartbreaking that people just stood around and watched it happen without even trying to help.
They stand and watch
Say nothing
They see her pain
Say nothing
She lives in fear
Say nothing
Her pain severe
Say nothing
Just another girl
Pulled into the whirl pool
Slowly twisting
No control
Can’t escape
Time takes its toll
They see her abused
Say nothing
They stand and enjoy
Say nothing
Her world ripped apart
Say nothing
Where are their hearts?
Say nothing
Just another soul
Losing her control
Slowly changing
Meaning fading
Can’t see light
Darkness invading
She is silent
Say nothing
They are silent
Say nothing
Who will speak?
Say nothing
When our coping technique
…is to….
Say nothing.