Your eyes transfix my soul
They look where none have ever seen
Your gaze never wavers one iota
What of my inner essence do You glean?
What do You see in my fear and selfishness?
How do You view my intentions?
How strong is the light of Your love in my heart?
How in line with Your teachings are my reflections?
How can I truly bring myself to account,
When my "self" is directing the quest?
How can I know if I'm actually learning,
Or if my growth is being repressed?
What does it mean to be a willing channel,
A messenger of Your love,
A bearer of spiritual gifts,
Spreading unity from above?
How can I possibly know how,
To bring concord to the earth,
A pale, pathetic, unworthy creature,
Who does not even recognize her own worth?
I look inside me but see only failings
A naive, self absorbed, vulnerable youth
But Your eyes seem to delve deep into my soul
And instead, see capacity, value and truth
So I beg You to aide me to see through Your eyes
And dwell only on Your reflected light
The darkness inside me just space to be filled
With the beauty illumined by Your blessed sight