Thoughts stir, when reading Your words
Lost in the world, the cheeping of birds
Yearning to focus, beginning again
I see the beauty, which flowed from Your pen
But then by the webs of the world I’m assailed
As I lose focus, Your beauty is veiled
My vision is clouded, I see only dust
Created by fear and a lack of trust
There are times I feel I am grasping at air
Searching for You, but left unaware
Caught in a web, I've spun for myself
Unable to find within me Your wealth
Imprisoned in the valley of search
Looking for love on which to perch
I can feel it there just out of reach
But the self holds me back, dampens my speech
Blinds my eyes, and grabs hold of my mind
Until I forget what I'm trying to find
Struggling to fly with my wings stuck together
A bird weighed down by the world's dross and fetters
I fall, crashing to the earth below
Losing sight for a time of the love You bestow
Thinking only of self I worry and fear
Until Your confirmations draw me near
You pull me away, untangle the net
And remind me of something I often forget
That thoughts of self dampen the soul
While thoughts of You make me whole
I take a deep breath, and strive once more
Begging forgiveness, praying to soar
On the wings of Your love, a hairs breath longer
To learn from the past, my wings made stronger
I begin to pray, feeling the warmth of your fire
Your light and essence my only desire
And deep in the depths of my soul I aspire,
To someday be ablaze upon Your burning pyre.