The Bab's death left a hollow
No words can ever fill
And the horrors that would follow
Leave the ink of my pen still
In the torment of His lovers
One can find no greater pain
Yet with each story one discovers
The heights of love we can attain
The years following that tragic day
Were filled with grief and confusion
And the actions of a few who lost their way
Ignited a new wave of intense persecution
Thousands were mercilessly tortured and killed
For believing in the power of His Blessed Name
Yet the goals of the clergy were never fulfilled
For their deaths only served to fan the Faith's flame
The essence of the love felt by each man who died
Could not but affect the hearts of those who observed
For their steadfastness and joy could not be denied
Nor their gratitude for the end they were served
These persecutions have not yet ceased
Though they've continued over one hundred and fifty years
But through the sacrifices of it's tormented lovers in the East
The Sun of His Glory continues to reach new frontiers