That it may grow brighter with each passing day
Build it high and build it strong
So that even my ego cannot quench its grandeur
Assist me at all times to remember You
So that Your healing love may flow through me
Gently nurturing, lovingly guiding
Aiding my soul to draw ever closer to You
Help me to treasure and cherish Your love
That I may always see beauty as I walk through this world
It is the key to my sight, the beat of my heart
The very purpose of my earthly existence
"O Befriended Stranger! The candle of thine heart is lighted by the hand of my power, quench it not with the contrary winds of self and passion. The healer of all thine ills is remembrance of Me, forget it not. Make My love thy treasure and cherish it even as thy very sight and life." -Baha'u'llah (The Hidden Words)