The dust obscures my vision
Smothers my breath
Steals all my energy
It leaves me lonely and broken
Blind and silent
Hidden from the world
Zombies walk in the dust with me
Not really seeing
Not really breathing
Gray people, lost and yet
Unaware of their loss
Of their own blindness
Thinking they understand the world
And all its potentialities
Believing life is gray
I've seen glimpses of color
Breathed fresh, clean, beautiful air
Felt the sun upon my face
My heart has been stirred and awakened at times
By Your syllables and sounds
Your letters and words
But it often gets lost in the gray too
Hopeless and wandering
Catching only glimpses in its search for meaning
But there is no meaning in the gray
Just dust and dirt
Just emptiness and loneliness
Help me to not be a gray person
This is my heart's desire
My deepest wish
Every word of thy poetry is indeed like unto a mirror in which the evidences of the devotion and love thou cherishest for God and His chosen ones are reflected. -Baha'u'llah
Sunday, September 27, 2015
He carried Your proclamation with
faith unyielding
A boy with the courage to face a
Your message of utter truth he was
And nothing could alter the vision
he saw
Transformed by his time in Your
glorious presence
His heart’s foundation rearranged
and alight
Created anew, ablaze with Your
He set out on a journey to deliver
Your light
When each of us leaves this Holy
We leave transformed, as
Badi left
Aflame with Your love, a billowing fountain
Carrying Your proclamation to the sorely bereft
Aflame with Your love, a billowing fountain
Carrying Your proclamation to the sorely bereft

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