Friday, May 25, 2012

An Instrument of Beauty

Oh the joy you bring to my life
My beautiful six stringed friend
Connection at my fingertips
My heart and soul transcend

You sat silent most my life
Few fingers to express
The capacity within you
The beauty you possess

But now you are my voice
My solace and my guide
Your companionship a treasure
I pray I never set aside

Caressing your gentle strings
My heart is happy and whole
You weave my inner melody
Strumming the music of my soul

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Exhaustion weighs down my body
Silences my brain
Veils my soul's yearnings
Everything mundane

My hands begin to shake
Response, beyond my reach
Lost in confusion's loops
Your help do I beseech

Praying fervently
I yearn for confirmation
A light to lead me forward
Towards the winds of maturation

I lay my life within Your grasp
And pray for a change in attitude
New perspective and direction
Then I bow my head in gratitude

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Mystery of Time

Time slips by
Sand quietly falling
Breaths and memories
Lost to nature's calling

A day feels like a year
Yet a year feels like a day
Endless moment's of anguish
To time's wealth, fall pray

Lost in a single moment
Battered by a storm
In retrospect a gift
When finally you transform

The soother of most ills
A path to detachment and calm
In harmony with remembrance of God
Time is the greatest healing balm

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Prayer for Trust and Release

Tonight I fail at optimism
I sleep with dreams confused
Chaos reigns within my mind
My heart is much abused

I am my own greatest test
My thoughts are black with blame
No compassion do I feel
For this girl who holds my name

Discomfort and pressure
Have been my life for far too long
Overwhelmed I've wandered lost
Deaf to my own song

I know this weight I seem to carry
Is of my own creation
But please help me lay it in Your hands
And end this eternal stagnation

Monday, May 21, 2012

The City of Certitude

Our soul's deepest longing
As days flow quickly past
Is to achieve our heart's desire
For this existence will not last

With sincerity we search
Our devotion never ending
For a meaning to this life
Never truly comprehending

That its meaning is with God
In a City we must find
Closer than our life vein
Though our ego keeps us blind

We must cleanse the channels of our souls
Offering our lives in servitude
Sincere and focused on naught but God
Until we find the gate to the City of Certitude

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Webs of My Mind

Emotion sits high in my throat
Caught between speech and suppression
Tension builds within my being
Begging for expression

I yearn to be free of it all
To let go the confusion and fear
Detached from all save You
Existence resplendent and clear

But the webs keep pulling me back
Entrapping me with their deception
Making me question my soul's foundation
Doubting and veiling my own reflection

My light is stifled a little each day
As I wander in the maze of my mind
Praying You'll guide and protect me
And lead me to whatever You wish me to find

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Choice of Love

Life is a path we walk
With each step we choose the direction
Does the ego lead us forward
Or is our goal our soul's perfection?

Do we expect excellence in this moment
And give up when it's not achieved?
Or do we look for the capacity within us
And pursue excellence in all we've received?

We are capable of so much more
When we put our fears and faults aside
Trusting in the light of God within us
A nobility our egos wish to hide

These gems we possess are not only a treasure
But a responsibility we hold
To develop and cultivate these gifts of His love
And shine them bright for all to behold

Friday, May 11, 2012

Burst Thy Cage Asunder

A bud, brimming with potential
Has no purpose in life but to bloom
Were it to hide forever, safe within itself
Existence would morn its unsmelled perfume

Though to bloom is to give in to fragility 
Accepting broken petals and the sacrifice of self
Each flower that blooms is a gift from His hand
A sign of His love, its inherent wealth

A seed, the foundation of existence
Holds within its core a cherished treasure
But to share its legacy with the world
It must sacrifice what no tongue can measure

Though to grow is to break apart its earthly home
To accept the interdependency of all living things
Its sacrifice links its heart to the Light
And provides it with earthly and heavenly wings

Do we steal from the world our soul's precious gift
Shielding ourselves from anguish and pain
Neither giving nor receiving love or support
Afraid that to change means to drown in the rain?

Like a brimming bud and a shining seed
Each day this choice is ours to make
Do we hide in the dark, safe and alone
Or accept that to grow means at times we will break


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When My World Stopped

There was a time in my life
When silence was my existence
When all that I knew 
Was joy's cutting resistance

I clothed myself in anguish
Fed myself with blame
Drank the dregs of bitter loss
And housed myself in shame

The world ceased to turn
All thought grew harsh and cold
Though time poured out it's measure
No life did I behold

Lost in this darkness
I wandered with no aim
A piano without keys
A candle with no flame

Until one day my eyes reopened
And blinking in the Light
I realized that the utter darkness
Was simply my own lack of sight 

As Light flowed through my eyelashes
The world moved forward once again
And my silent heart began to beat as its
Voice flowed through my newfound pen