A peace I haven't felt in years
Wafts over me as I sit here with you
All tension and worry disappears
And a quiet calm seeps through
The birds outside sing of the joys of God's grace
As in my arms you drift in gentle sleep
A smile softly flickers across your little face
Oh my precious one, slumber deep
Dream of the world you will help to create
Of the brilliance your generation will bring to this earth
A world where love always conquers hate
And the beauty of your soul is what defines your worth
With your little hand wrapped around my finger
I yearn for our world to mature and transform
Into a place where purity and innocence linger
And trust and compassion are our culture's norm
The light you have brought, with your giggles and smiles
Has illumined our lives like the sun
Though your path may be filled with beautiful trials
You will never walk alone, my little one