Monday, October 21, 2013

A Storehouse of Grief

She had often before inhaled defensiveness and anger, not her own, but rather composed of her loved one's guilt. Unsuspecting she had shared her own confusion and pain, and been met with a rain of fire and shame.  Unsure how to respond, she breathed out silent  emptiness, and held within her their rage, shame, guilt, pain; along with her own shattered trust.

Then, again, she breathed in anguish, hurt, confusion  and loss, but this time the pain went deeper. She was older, she understood more and yet didn't understand at all. She couldn't comprehend the injustice of being blamed for feeling grief, her distraught heart unable to find relief. So she breathed in a good-bye she never wished to say. A good-bye she thought  was forever, to everything she had ever treasured, to her joy and her pleasure. But even in her good-bye, she wasn't allowed to cry. So she breathed out silent defeat and held within her, emptiness, loss and turmoil, along with her loved one's anger, hurt, shame & guilt

But as she grew older, this pain built. Suffocating her will, bleeding away her energy, her light. She lost sight of the ground, no solid foundation to be found. During these years she breathed in loneliness, fear and hopelessness. She had no air to help her speak, for she had long ago stopped breathing deep of the life she was given to live. She held her breath in tortured silence, believing herself to be utterly alone, but also believing she was incapable of finding her truth on her own.

As life continued to move forward, her past haunted her. It taunted her to fight for responsibilities she had never wanted. For years she carried the weight of these responsibilities still living in her silent past, harassed by the belief that emotions were not meant to be shown and life's hardships were hers to carry, forever alone. She held her breath and prayed to bear and endure on her own.

But eventually she could hold her breath no longer and she slowly began to look at the weight it had been her fate to carry. With the help of those same loved ones, having reflected on their choices and found their own voices, she looked inside no longer tied to the fear and judgement which had been her life's internal guide. Their support and encouragement, her air, she offered up a silent prayer, and took a deep breath. She breathed in love and gratitude for all she had gained, strength she hadn't known she contained, and a willingness to change. And she found that she could. With each breath she began to heal, breathing in all that was real, the world and its joys, its sweetness, its light, and she exhaled the loss, the sadness, the fright, and said good-bye to the night; to the storehouse of grief that had unconsciously been her plight for most of her life. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Climb

She was told to climb the mountain
     An intimidating aspiration
     To conquer His marvelous creation
Seen from the bottom there was nothing but clouds
     The distance to the summit boundless
     The request unreasonable and groundless
No words could be spoken, not a single thought voiced
     Submitting outwardly, she began to walk
     Suffering, sweltering, yearning to talk
Frustration trapped in her parched mouth, she struggled with every step
     But slowly the complaints eased and faded
     As she moved forward alone and unaided
The echoes of silence consumed all her thoughts
     The wonder of being alone in her mind
     Of searching within herself and removing her blind
Nature's tranquility brought calm to her heart
     Her thoughts turned to the path she was treading
     Where she had been and to where she was heading
As she approached her goal, tears filled her eyes
     In awe of the freedom she felt in her soul
     The recognition of her true self, of taking control
Her last few steps were taken with wonderment
     Leaving behind her faults and imperfections
     The ecstasy of the moment bringing clarity to her reflections
She understood that life is not about fleeting trials or achievements
     For all these things will come and pass with the ebb and flow of time
     But rather, detaching from self and drawing closer to Him 
     Is the true and wondrous purpose of this never-ending climb

This is a poem I wrote in Jan-2011 but never published. I tweaked it a little, but it seems appropriate now for many reasons. It was inspired by a story from a friend's blog -

Picture from google search -

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Mother's Loss

Anger sears deep in her veins
An anger nothing can contain
At a God she does not even believe in 
At people who do not support her passion

But this anger is fueled by a soul deep hole
A sadness nothing can console
A loss as deep as a deadly canyon
On whose edge she stands with no companion

At the bottom of that drop is her beloved son
Gone before his fourth year had begun
Stolen by a disease she could not control
And yet the guilt rakes her to the depths of her soul

This guilt defines her very existence
Anger her body's only resistance
Without it she would fall into this canyon of sorrow
And there would be no movement, no tomorrow

So unable to find purpose in her path's tragic trials
She fights with every step to walk life's miles
Her anger the shield with which she faces the dawn
There is no right way to grieve, no manual for moving on

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Light of the Kingdom

Make me a beacon of ever-flowing light
A bird enamored by the gifts of flight
A minaret wafting songs of joy and delight
A haven of love in the darksome night

Purify my heart from all worldly things
From the dust which sullies my mortal wings 
From self-focused thought and the torment it brings
From this world to which my ego clings

Let the Light of the Kingdom radiate through me
Its reflection illuminated in the depths of the sea
Its glorious message setting hearts and souls free
As each of us strives in His Light just to 'Be' 

"Let the love and light of the Kingdom radiate through you, until all who look upon you shall be illumined by its reflection."