Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year, A New World

This year with all my heart I pray
To share His love and grace each day
To serve with radiance and live with trust
In the pathway of His loved ones to be as dust

To soften their footsteps and conquer their fears
To lighten their burdens and wipe away their tears
To not be weighed down by my own selfish worries
To not be crushed by life's passing flurries

I pray for the strength to dedicate my time
To transforming my community and to my own endless climb
To bettering myself through service to others
And to seeing all people as my sisters and brothers

On this day when many promises are made
I pray for Your strength and beg for Your aide
To learn to be self-less and detached from all things
And to keep this promise and the light which it brings

Our time on this earth is fleeting and brief
Why waste it with worry, anger and grief?
If we care for each other and selflessly serve
I know we will find all the joy we deserve

Written for a contest on -