Monday, June 27, 2016


I feel a peace within my soul
When I set aside my own wishes and desires
As if in this action I am made whole
No longer rocked and shaken by what transpires

A readiness to accept any event or outcome
And react with grace no matter the situation
To not look at anything as a problem
But rather as an opportunity for greater illumination

In moments when I am able to achieve this tranquility
My heart is filled with contentment and trust
No longer do I feel hindered by my own fragility 
For I know that in all tests He is guiding and nourishing us

"O Son of Spirit! Ask not of Me that which We desire not for thee, then be content with what We have ordained for thy sake, for this is that which profiteth thee, if therewith thou dost content thyself." Baha'u'llah (The Hidden Words)