Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Searching for Light

Some days are filled with Light
Joy radiates through the soul
The birds of love and connection
Soar high in the endless sky
Capacity blossoms and bares fruit
The whispers of trust gently waft
Over the meadows of contentment

But other days are more blurry
The fog of confusion rolls in
Weighing down the air of trust and detachment
The rains of fear and doubt
Darken and veil the soul's eternal optimism
Vision is lost for a time
As the ego's roots grow ever stronger

A day however is only what one makes of it
When the storms of God's tests
Obscure the sight
Trust in Him and let Him lead
With detachment and love
Until once again
Light is found

A Voice Silenced

A silence lives within me
A ghost lost in endless hollowness
Echos long ago quieted
Struggle a decaying word
Each day a single choice
Leading the heart farther into darkness
Each day a choice
But which one?
The crowd of steps taken overwhelms any clues
Cobwebs suffocate comprehension
Broken only by confusion's wails
Reason hides alone and broken
By the cacophony of possible mistakes
A single tear falls slowly
Leaving in its wake emotions unnamed
Indescribable and overwhelming
Screaming for attention and assistance
But who will listen
To a voice silenced
By an unknown, and long ago forgotten, choice?