Monday, October 19, 2020

If Death Came Upon Me Today

If death came upon me today
What would I be leaving behind
I know there would be sadness
But hopefully joy too
Wonder, beauty, radiance, light

These are things I wish to give
Things I want to remember
When life gets monotonous
When I’m living for the passage of time
Instead of the beauty of life

I want to remember to give
Not just receive
To lift up, rather than pull down
To lighten loads, not make them heavier
To bring joy, not sadness

To let go of blame and failure
Of finger pointing and labelling
To focus on what is, not what isn’t
To breathe life into those around me
Not to suffocate them

So that if death came upon me today
I would be proud of the life I had lived
The love I had given
The legacy I was leaving behind
For those who knew me

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